
Big Big Big(大歌)

Big Big Big(大歌)相关信息

What’s big, big, big?
I know my daddy’s chair
It feels so big and comfy
Whenever I sit there
It’s big, big, big!

What’s big, big, big?
I know, my back yard tree
I wish that I could climb it
But I am only three
It’s big, big, big!

What’s big, big, big?
I know my grandpa’s farm
He has cows and chickens
And horses in the barn
It’s big, big, big!

What’s big, big, big?
I know, my granny’s car
She bought it many years ago
But doesn’t drive it far
It’s big, big, big!

What’s big, big, big?
I know my brand new bed
I need it now ’cause I am big
My mom and daddy said
I’m big, big, big!

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