
Thank You Very, Very much!

Thank You Very, Very much!相关信息

Where's my T-shirt?
Where's my T-shirt?
here it is .
here it is .
It's in the drawer.
It's in the drawer.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very, very much!
Where's my shirt?
Where's my shirt?
here it is .
here it is .
It's on the shelf.
It's on the shelf.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very, very much!
Where's my pants?
Where's my pants?
here they are .
here they are
It's on the shelf.
It's on the shelf.
Thank you very much.
Where's my ties?
Where's my ties?
here they are .
here they are .
They're in the closet.
They're in the closet.
Thank you very much.
Where's my coat?
Where's my coat?
here it is .
here it is .
It's on the bed
It's on the bed.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very, very much!

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